Sunday, March 8, 2009


Adam is moving from the small parish he has been in for around two years to take up another position as curate in another parish. He told his congregation this morning which he was not looking forward to doing and talking to him just now I get the impression that it was a shock for them and that both he and the congretation are sad that he is leaving.

We have been having long conversations on the phone about this and I do try and give advice being very much aware that I know nothing about the inner workings of the church and also aware that it is important not to dictate but to listen and try and get Adam to tease out what he wants as we talk, I hope that first of all that I have been of help and comfort and that the decisions he has made while we talked fulfill his needs and that he will have just as lovely a congretation in the new parish as he has in his present parish.

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