Thursday, June 26, 2008


How do you move a mountain?

I finished a painting of Wicklow Harbour a few days ago but by the time I had finished it I had a terrible headache. I checked it - ok - husband, please frame it - framed - thank you - brought it into the gallery - propped it up to show it to another member of the gallery (a more experienced artist than myself) for his opinion - then it dawned on me - the mountains were wrong. He was very kind and didn't say anything at first but when I said "the mountains are wrong are they not?" he agreed. Brought picture home - asked husband to take it out of the frame - YOU WHAT! Eventually later that evening he took it out of its frame and I studied it further and realised that I would have to repaint the background mountains - hence "moving mountains"!

I post it above for your consideration!

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